Find Me After

Adelson Checkerboard

The Adelson Checkerboard is a classic visual illusion that I use on school visits to demonstrate that our perception of the world is largely an illusion constructed by our brains.

Ask yourself: Which square is lighter, square A or square B ?

Now use the sliders to remove the background and position the colour bars so you can directly compare the colour of the squares.

Are you still sure that they’re different colours?

For a more thorough introduction to some of the ideas covered in Find Me After and in my school visits watch this TED talk by neuroscientist Anil Seth.

Discussing visual illusions and the implications they have on our perception of the world at both a physical and a social level can provide a good basis for discussion around the themes of Find Me After.

See Schools and Events for more details about my school visits.

The Girl Who Broke The Sea

The Deepsea Podcast

For a great discussion on the impact of deep-sea mining listen to the Deep-sea Podcast episode (or in fact any episode):